Core S2 Software Solutions

Looking for help – art, sound, & programming: developing a for-profit space-defense game in one month!

The game:

The game will be a dynamic-location tower-defense and resource collection game based in space. The game plays as a 2D top-down view of space where players start with a single ship that builds buildings over time, which in turn generate ships, which can collect resources, build other ships (defensive), and eventually build-up several bases and armadas!

The goal of the game is to survive a given length of time or to mine-out the game’s area. Simply put: mine, build, survive!

[1] Read the design doc here!

The business:

It will be for-profit: You get the percentage of sales that is the percentage of completed features you delivers. The whole poing here is super fast rapid development, so shoot me an email with what you think!

About the team:

Want to learn more about me? [2] Feel free to browse my work and ask me questions!We already are a team of two developers, a sound-effects artist, and a designer.

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