Core S2 Software Solutions

3D Computer Graphics: Software Revealed now published!

Update: Source code now available.

After a few months of work, I’ve finally published my first book through Amazon and this blog! “3D Computer Graphics: Software Revealed” (159 pages) is now available for free & purchase! Essentially this book walks you through, step by step, on how modern real-time graphics are rendered, through a software rasterization system. You’ll start with learning about how to render basic geometric primitives, and build on that through each chapter until you have a fully working 3D renderer!

What’s notably interesting about this book is that it works through all programming lessons in HTML5 Javascript, using the new Canvas tag. This way readers are not forced to download and install unruly 3rd party libraries like OpenGL or DirectX, which are particularly nasty to configure projects with. Instead, all you have to do is open the Javascript source code with your favorite text editor and immediately start experimentation!

To get started, you can either get the digital version of the book for free here, or buy it on Amazon, or buy it directly through Paypal. The Amazon and Paypal versions are pre-formatted and slightly more updated, all for only $1.99 USD. Any purchase is essentially a donation to help me, in my spare time, continue developing new open-source projects or free articles for others to use.

I hope you enjoy the book, and most importantly, I hope you learn something new from it! Good luck, and have fun!


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